summer staffers
Get ready to have the summer of your life!
make a difference in the lives of kids
CentriKid staffers are young adults with a passion for hanging out with kids and sharing Christ through everything they do!
Every staffer must complete the application process and be interviewed by a member of our Office Team. A great staffer has to have skills, experience, and most of all, a passion for seeing kids come to know the Lord. Our staff and their desire to invest in the lives of kids at every possible moment is our greatest asset.
Staff set examples for kids that far outlive the themes and happenings of camp, and constantly strive towards our goal to make sure that every person that leaves CentriKid has a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ.
a camp job you’ll never forget
important dates
The first step to being a CK Staffer is completing your online application and interview.
START: may 24
Tech positions start on May 24th, 2025, leadership positions arrive between May 26th-27th, and all other staff arrive by May 30th. So mark your calendar. Your specific role determines your actual start date for Training Week.
End: Aug 1
Several camp teams end late July and others end August 1st. However, we know some folks have end-of-summer date conflicts so we try to work around them.
see what ck staffERS say about centrikid camps
frequently asked questions
How old do i have to be to apply for camp?
At least 18 years old
How much do I get paid?
New staff salaries start at $300 per week of camp. Returning staff start at $325. Leadership roles start at $375. Your housing is covered throughout the whole summer, and your meals are paid for while camp is running.
How many Centrikid locations are there?
CentriKid is made up of 8 teams that cover about 24 locations. Travel teams get to locations by 12-passenger vans – not personal vehicles!
Can i choose what location i serve at?
No. Staffers will find out their location in March! There are multiple factors that influence placement – so if you have a special circumstance, please mention it in your interview. Placement is determined by the CentriKid Office Team.
when does camp begin / end?
Staffers are to report to Training Week the last week of May. Most teams end the last week of July or the first week of August.
who can i use as my references?
Your references can be a pastor, church staff member, campus minister, present job supervisor, previous job supervisor, a volunteer work supervisor, current/former Centrikid staffer, a coach or teacher
how do i apply to be a camp pastor?
If you are a kidmin leader or you are looking to serve for a couple weeks of camp, email Henry Dutton at [email protected]. If you are looking to serve as a Camp Pastor for an entire summer you can complete the online application and make sure to submit a Camp Pastor Preview Video link the the Camp Pastor application.
how do i apply to be in a camp worship band?
If you are interested in leading worship for CentriKid, whether full summer or just a few cycles of camp, please contact [email protected]. Then, we can provide further information and instructions on how to apply and audition.
who do i reach out to if i have more questions?
Please email [email protected] for any additional questions!
What Staff Roles are available?
Bible Study Staffer
Teaches and facilitates a small group Bible Study each day
Recreation Staffer
Facilitates and leads large group games with kids each day
Performs as a host character on stage each day at camp (script memorization required)
Lighting Technician
In charge of set up and running lighting during production elements
Audio Technician
In charge of set up and running sound during production elements
Worship Leader
Leads band members, kids, and adults in worship every morning and night at camp
Band Member
Joins the Worship Leader in conducting worship every morning and night at camp. Drummers, Guitarists, Keyboardists, and Vocalists are needed
Camp Pastor
Preaches a kid-friendly sermon every morning and night at camp
Recreation Director*
Trains and leads Recreation staffers on the rec field
Production Director*
Leads production team and oversees all production elements in the auditorium
Financial Director*
Manages finances and Camp Store merchandise
Assistant Director*
Trains Bible Study staffers, organizes group logistics at camp, and facilitates communication with churches
Camp Director*
Leads the camp team, organizes travel logistics, and facilitates communication with churches
*At least 1-2 summers experience required