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what is centrikid?
We firmly believe that God’s Word transforms hearts. CentriKid’s programming keeps kids engaged throughout the entire day based on what we know about their ability to learn and comprehend truths about God at a certain age.
Camp gives your leaders and kids a place to interact and bond for more than just an hour or two—meals, free time, and worship are all opportunities for spiritual conversations! Kids leave camp having formed lifelong friendships with other believers their age.
Phenomenally Fun!
From Morning Worship to Bible Study, Recreation to Track Times, everything at CentriKid is designed with the heart of a child in mind. There are lots of fun summer options for kids, but CentriKid ensures that God’s Word is the focus of every part of our camp, including the fun stuff.

find your camp
Find out what your camper will experience at CentriKid, from their daily schedule to their packing list. You’ll also find ways to follow up with your child after camp. We love to see kids continue growing after returning home from camp.