typical 3-day camp schedule
Did you know we have 3-day camp? A great way to see camp in a shorter amount of time, experience all the fun AND, when you arrive, you are only 1 day away from OMC!
NOTE: Some campuses require slight adjustments to these times, but this gives you a good idea of what you can expect.

Day 1
3 pm
7 pm
kick-off / worship
8 pm
team time (Bible study) / adult gathering
9 pm
church group time
evening hang time
10 pm
head to room
10:30 pm
lights out
Day 2
breakfast / time alone with God
8:30 am
i can’t wait
9:15 am
team time (Bible study & rec)
adult gathering
1:15 pm
the spot
1:30 pm
track a
2:30 pm
the spot
2:45 pm
track b
3:45 pm
team time (omc prep)
4 pm
organized mass chaos (omc)
5 pm
hang time
7 pm
8 pm
church group time
evening hang time
10 pm
head to room
10:30 pm
lights out

Day 3
breakfast / time alone with God
8:30 am
9:30 am
churches depart